Internal Friction

The Spice Must Flow.

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The Opinion - To much power for the reviewer/critic

Posted by Internal Friction On 5/10/2012 11:07:00 PM 0 comments

Another day another idiot.

Sometimes I even wonder what is it about game reviews or hell review/critic. That drives a person to the extent of beliving that a certain critic/reviewer's word is gospel, that they can do no wrong. Its something that I hope we can answer, but the bigger problems are when the larger “conglomerate” reviewer/critic has sway over many facets. Not only does this reviewer/critic have sway but he/she ruins what ever they deem good or bad.

For example in the movie industry a movie like transformers,hugo,avatar (james cameron) and so on did very well in the box office, so much in fact transformers became a trilogy,hugo sold better in dvd/bluray, and avatar toppled over titanic and is going to spawn 1-3 more movies. But yet we have a critic/reviewer who has a lot of power and say so, that he/she literally gives the movie or movies a really ugly beating from the people who watch it to the smaller reviewers/critics. But yet give a movie like war horse and triple A rating, yes seriously.....

This even goes on in the gaming industry to were games like bayonetta would crush a game like resident evil operation racoon city. This didnt help that all the heavy hitters reported the same scores, and which followed the rest of the crowd. Unfortunately the gaming community seems to have there heads so far up there asses that they cant or wont even play a game based on its review score.which is unfortunate becouse most of them wont play a game with out a fucking perfect gaming score, WHICH IS VERY FUCKING PATHETIC. Ill repeat it again VERY FUCKING PATHETIC....

hell even most people in the industry are saying the same along with the gamers and reviewer/critics,esspecially jim sterling from the “jimquisition”. In his video “hate out of ten” explains this in vivd yet colorful detail. I think we need to change the way we view reviews, reform the architecture and basically get rid of the numeric scoring system a rely on our own judgement. But hay what do I know right??? after all I am a lwer life form reviewer/critic.

Here is the jimquisition episode “Hate out of ten”.



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