You are Cole Macgrath, some sort of never-ending human battery. After beating Kessler (in the first game),
you get a call from agent Kuo, who needs you to gather more power to defeat a new monster,
the beast. Pretty simple, isn’t it?
In my opinion, this game’s visuals are stunning. Cole looks great, both good and bad karma
visuals are amazing, and all other characters look amazing too. I just think that the enemies all
look the same, they could at least put some more effort in that.
In a game like Infamous 2, sound is very important. I am very delighted to say that everything
on Infamous sounds like it should! Explosions, shockwaves, everything, is just very good!
For the exception of one or two games, (like
City) games related to super heroes aren’t that
good at all. But in this case, this game is very
good! There are a ton of different missions,
powers to unlock and shards to find. And, after
you beat, unlock and collect all of those, you
can create your own missions, and play the
others with the ECU creator! It is very easy to
find, and it is an awesome way to expand
Unfortunately, the game can get boring at times, and some side-missions aren’t fun at all.
A good friend of mine borrowed me Infamous 2. I've got to admit, I didn’t knew what to expect
of this game, so I've got to admit that this game is really amazing, and, even though I don’t
like the endings, I think they are very well done.
After beating this game 2 times, my advice is: Go pick this game up, you won’t regret it!
+ Good and Simple story;
+Nice graphics;
+Amazing sound;
+Good variety of gameplay;
+Good endings;
- Boring at times;
- Enemies all look the same;
Hope you enjoyed this review
Reviewed by [IF]brofist
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