Well as it seems that Adam Sessler is leaving G4 television with out a reason. No one knows why,how, or any of that. But I bet that they will disclose it in about 1-2 months and if not well shit ya know lol.
Adam Sessler leaves G4
Here's some promising yet interesting news. Apparently the strategist of infinity ward quit and created a indie studio that they are hinting towards making a MMORPG. They also give the reasons why he left as well.
Infinity ward's strategist leaves.
Joy oh joy tv commercials are coming to the xbox 360. All I can say is what the fuck,why the fuck,who do I have to shoot first, and is this going to make the shitty pay to play model go by the way side.
Coming soon to a Xbox 360 near you.....
Oh hell guess what guys and gals ITS RUMOR TIME!!!!
From what it seems that the korean MMO giant Nexon is aiming to buy studios, and from what I understand is that they are aiming at the big boys first. Hmm I wonder if they bought EA would they get rid of EA Sports. Hell it would be a MAJOR improvement lol.
Nexon wants to buy out industry's big boys.
Well thats all for now Ill try and give more of a variety next time around..... Short night lol.
have fun
Back again for another dose of gaming news? Well here you go!
Nintendo is now developing New Super Mario Bros. 2... for the 3DS. I do not approve of this in many ways, but let's keep this news going now shall we? Even though I AM looking forward to seeing how they'll turn a 2D platform game in 3D.
Sony has announced Uncharted 3: Game of the Year edition for the PS3! This version will have some extra features to it:
Classic Skins Pack 1-3: 25 multiplayer skins, including Nathan Drake's looks from Uncharted 1 and 2
Multiplayer Accessory Pack: Includes Killzone 3 skins and accessories
Flashback Maps 1 and 2: Eight remade maps from Uncharted 1 and 2
Drake's Deception Map Pack: Four new multiplayer maps: The Graveyeard, Old Quarter, London Streets and Oasis
The Fort Co-Op: Takes place in the fortress from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Co-Op Shade Survival: Fight against the Djinn (fire enemies from Uncharted 3's final chapters)
Doughnut Skin Pack: Five "fat" skins
Rogues Skin Pack 1 and 2: Skins of 14 enemies
You guys better get ready, because Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will be revealed pretty soon! On the first of may, we will finally be able to play it.
Well we've talked about the sequel of Black Ops, the sequel of New Super Mario Bros... now let's talk Rayman! During a marketing survey, somebody spotted some screenshots of the Rayman Origins 2, and here they are!
Crysis is also back with another follow-up! Crysis 3 will be coming to the PC, and it will be launched with DirectX 11 support! Here's the Announcement Gameplay trailer.
Well, after all this sequel and threequel stuff, it's about time to wrap up this Wednesday news! Happy gaming!
To many cluster-fucks so little time....
You know... i've been playing video games for a while now, hell i'm 28 yrs old born in 1983 and ive seen a lot of good ideas and bad ideas from the gaming industry. it has got me bugged that the industry it self has gotten in to a rut, to were it only makes 1 type or style of game. for example any of the EA sports games,Most of the first person shooters such as CoD, and the major the MMO. now im not saying these types are bad or rather the games are bad them selves, but when a industry cant come out of a circle because THEY ARE AFRAID OF LOOSING THERE FANS. so here are a few things to think about.
it is bad for a industry of art to keep the same thing going on and on. now on the other hand as in EA Sports games they purposely milk it each year with a fucking retarded reason to bring out a new copy of what was made a year before. for example the past few years they put up a gestalt saying that they make the resolution better,made the game play smoother, then they added the statistics,and the final add-on a physics engine. each year during E3 they repeat the same format then show the game as a hook, kinda sad really.
now in the case for games like the MMO and CoD, i wont say i DONT like them im just going to say that the recent incarnations have missed the point of playing games as a whole. when you go online or play local with a friends or acquaints, you shouldn't have to be bogged down by petty competition. but on the other than a small amount of competition is good to keep the game going for everyone to have fun. here is another problematic issue at hand as well, LoL or rather League of Legends which initially at first was fun, key word "fun". they take the premise of playing a RTT (real time tactical) with RPG elements,but as of recent people have gotten worse and worse of the past year and the fun loving game turns in to a miasma of competition. this also extends to the recent CoD as well.
Now going back to the beginning of the industry's issue we have companies who are remaking game in a different image or they are making another game, such as god of war 4 and devil may cry. i didnt mind god of war its puzzles were irritating and complex to the point you keep coming back but didnt they just end the story of kratos in the third game??? as for devil may cry why did capcom give over the rights to a company who makes lack luster prince of persia/god of war knock offs ??? its kind of irritating that companies like capcom and santa monica basically are in a creation rut.and dont forget the huge mega man issue of development from capcom.
i applauded companies for trying new innovations such as Catherine,Mindjack,Bayonetta, and Last Rebellion. they each have there own merits,and have a beta type game play system that isnt like any thing seen. unfortunately 2 of these games had a bad review, because IT ISNT LIKE EVERY THING ELSE. which in my mind a game should be different than any or all AAA titles and should be giving a chance to show its unique game play system. i like all games some types more than others,i just think gamer's need to get rid of the spiked dildo up there ass and cut this ego drivin bullshit and give the games that were giving a bad review,made by a lesser known first or third party companies.
gaming companies need to start creating newer games regardless of what fans like becouse if they dont the industry will have failed so much just like the movie industry, music industry, and TV industry. id rather see it grow than to put or shove shit down our (as in us gamers) throats. enough said,,,,,
Welcome to the Wednesday Gaming News on Thursday! Aside from the fact that I started playing Pokémon Blue again yesterday, there's also some pretty interesting things going on in Game World... Let's take a look at the most important stuff.
Remember Prey? The sci-fi FPS that looks a lot like Dead Space? Well, a sequel to this game has been under development for a long time, and now it seems it'll be like that for even longer. Although it is still being worked on, it has been delayed.
Ever considered buying one of these super thin Ultrabook PC's, but haven't decided because you worry how it would handle games? Gamespy put it to the test! http://bit.ly/HTvvlV
Also, some news a lot of you are going to be happy about! Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has been confirmed! Take a look at this poster posted on IGN!
EDIT (April 21): More photographic evidence! The "poster" is a promotional box!
Also also, God of War IV might be released today! At least, this link tells us so...
But now... all news has sad news. We were proud to have a game like Skyrim... Realistic... Adventurous... Action-packed... But now... Oh god, I'm afraid to say it... My Little Pony has invaded Skyrim. Take a look at this video by Gamerboy385... if you dare.
And now to finally wrap this up, we know that Dead Space 3 will be released some time soon, that the 007 series will get a new game called "Legends" and that the character playing Hitler has been removed from CoD: Elite. But who wants to read about the details? Let's bring the hot IGN-girl out!
by [IF]Spificator
- Fluid Game play
- Decent Campaign with closure
- Fun co-op which has a lot to offer
- PVP isnt as fun,might as well get a real job and work for physical substance.
- Graphics on the pc is the same as on the consoles due to it being a console to pc port.
- The campaign time frame is 5hrs and 10 min which is really short compared to previous titles.
- Pax hands on with Tera's Twilight Valley
- Amoe-battle on IOS lets you divide then conquer
- Pax Perfect World's Raiderz and Neverwinter MMO
- PS2 classic Persona 3:FES hits PSN tomorrow
- Best video game glitches
- How Final Fantasy versus XIII will not disappoint
- Gamers miss old days
- Pax Double Dragon Neon
Lionhead studios, developer of the Fable games, has released the boxart of the new game in the fable franchise.
The new game, called 'Fable : The Journey' will no longer be an open world RPG, but an on-rails shooter.
Your arsenal of weapons will no longer contain Firearms or Swords, but will mainly be focussed on the usage of magic.
There isn't an official release date yet, but the game will probably be released somewhere in 2012.
by [IF]pexer
Due to a newly added set of Playstation 3 Trophies, there seems to be a new Story based DLC comming out for last years 'Batman : Arkham City'.
The new update contains 10 new 'Harley Quinn DLC' trophies which appear to be story driven;
for one of the trophies is achieved by 'Finding a way into the secret base'.
See for yourself!
by [IF]pexer
People who play the popular browser game 'The Settlers Online' will have to wait another week before they can search for their virtual easter eggs.
Are you also looking forward to the witcher 2 Enhanced Edition, But havent played the first one?
The creators of 'The Witcher' have come with an awesome solution to your big problem!
This animated short tells the story of the original Witcher withing 5 minutes!
Microsoft is giving away free microsoft points in April!
To get 300 free microsoft points, you have to complete 1 challenge out of each of the following categories in April:
Game On :
- Play a Kinect game for 2 hours
- Play online on Xbox Live for 10 hours
- Spend at least 800 MS points on Arcade games or DLC.
Be Entertained :
- Spend at least 400 MS points on Movies or Series.
by [IF]pexer
Minimum hardware requirements:
- Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP (with Service Pack 3)/Windows Vista (with Service Pack 2)/ Windows 7 (with Service pack 1), both 32 bit & 64 bit versions
- Processor: Intel Pentium D 3.0 Ghz or AMD Athlon64 X2 4400+ 2.2Ghz RAM: 1GB Windows XP / 2GB Windows Vista or Windows 7
- Video card: 256 MB DirectX-compliant, Shader 4.0-enabled video card
- DirectX: DirectX 9.0c
- DVD-ROM drive: DVD-ROM speed 4x, dual-layer drive
- Sound card: DirectX 9.0c - compliant sound card
- HDD space: 25 GB
Recommended :
- CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q9450/ AMD Phenom II X4 940 or higher
- RAM: 2 GB Windows XP / 3 GB Windows Vista & 7
- Graphics Card: 1024 MB DirectX-compliant, Shader 4.0-enabled video card based on nVidia GeForce GTX 460 or AMD/ATi HD 5850 or better
This in-game screenshot shows how beautiful the world of Skyrim is |
One of the game's races 'Khajiit' |
- killcams for archery would be cool
Ezio's story finally comes to a close in Assassin's Creed: Revelations. The battle between Assassins and Templars continues in Constantinople, where Ezio goes to find a weapon that should end the Templar- Assassin war for good. Aided by the local fellow Assassins and some of their connections, Ezio goes to find the keys that can open a gate in Masyaf. A gate behind which lies the rumored weapon desired by the Assassins... and the Templars.
Although the details on the characters may seem only "nice", or maybe even basic, this game has
AMAZING detail in the sky and weather graphics. Also, like in Brotherhood, the fluid water movements
Ezio using a zipline with the use of the new 'hook blade' |
Listen closely. What do you hear? If this game was about you, you would hear the exact same things in-
game. Yes, even the birds singing, footsteps and people talking. This game doesn't only make important
things audible, but also the smallest details that give the gaming experience a little extra. The voice
acting in this game is also exactly how you would imagine it to be. Italian accents, Turkish accents, anger, happiness, it's all there and you hear it.
I had a lot of fun playing Revelations. But also playing the previous games in the AC franchise. Why is Revelations so different? It gives us more. More weapons like the Hookblade and the craftable bombs, more terrain like ziplines and parachutes and, maybe most importantly, more ways of killing. Counters, streaks and combos are so epic, you'll even wonder if Ezio has aged at all. All these on top of the basic fluid running, open terrain and weapons from Brotherhood make an awesome playing experience.
Ezio sneaking up to his unknowing prey |
Amazing game, can keep you going for days and weeks. Even after the story is finished, you want to
and can actually go on living in the world of an Assassin. Definitely to be recommended for any kind of
+ More weapons
+ Excellent voice acting
+ Graphically developed details
+ Multiplayer
+ Free running in open terrain
- Confusing ending
- Fighting = Button mashing
review by [IF]spificator
You are Cole Phelps, a World War 2 veteran who, after the war, became a police officer at the L.A.P.D.
While you are getting promoted and transfered to new departments, you will get to see flashbacks from his time as a soldier.
This keeps the story at a solid pace.
Cole inspecting a clue found at the crime scene |
The graphics are the star of show here.
Not the necessarily the textures, but the faces and character models.
Rockstar used a new facial recognition technique which made the faces very realistic.
You can really see the characters' faces change emotions and the actors who did the faces are easy to recognise.
The voice acting is extremely well done.
This doesn't make dialogues a chore.
But then again, this game isn't all about action, but mainly about the dialogue.
Gameplay is of course very important in any game.
and besides the great graphics and terrific sound, Rockstar didn't forget about the gameplay.
The gameplay is mainly searching for clues at crime scenes, and using the evidence you found while searching against the suspects.
You get alot of variety in your 'cases' since you get transfered from 'Traffic' to 'Murder' to 'Vice' etc.
Cole receiving news on an autopsy report. |
This game nails it all!
You got the great graphics and faces, the teriffic sound terrific, and the fun gameplay.
The only real downside is the fact that there is not really any challenge to it
Overall a great game,if you do not expect a gta IV like game, and the free roam mode makes you come back for more even after you've finished the game!
+ Great Graphics
+ Terrific Sound and Voice acting
+ Fun gameplay
+ Varied and fun side-missions
- No challenge
review by [IF]pexer
![]() |
"An example of the "Insanity effects" |

You wake up on a pile of corpses, without any idea who you are or where you are.
after you leave you will come across a 'fateweaver', these people can read your fate.
As reads your fate, he claims that you don't have one.
and so you are 'The Fateless One'
And the adventure begins
The graphics look pretty sharp, although we have seen better, for example in Skyrim.
They are very colorful, which is something you don't very often see in a 'serious' RPG.
But you'll often be stunned by the beautiful locations you stumble across.
The sound in this game seems very nicely done, the only complaint is the lip-synching, which is just painfully bad.
This is the star of the show.
The gameplay borrowed some elements from God of War ; the hack 'n' slash combat for one.
Since this is an RPG, you level-up frequently, and after each gained level, you can assign skill points.
Stealth has never been this fun |
You can experiment with the 3 classes as much as you want, and create new subclasses, like the Paladin; which is a mix between Might and Sorcery.
Oh, and did i mention you can have your own, upgradable houses?
Yes, it's as awesome as you'd expect.
This Action-RPG by 'Big Huge Games' has left me amazed for some time.
But this is a game that you either hate or love, there is almost no 'in-between' here.
Definitely an excelent break from skyrim
+ Fun Gameplay
+ Good Graphics
+ alot of things to do
+ massive world
+ experimenting in the class system
- Story isn't too good
- Lip-Synching is just too painful to watch
review by [IF]pexer
in this blog we post the latest news of game-land, as well as reviews, previews,..