Internal Friction

The Spice Must Flow.

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[NEWS] Microsoft is giving away free Microsoft points!

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/03/2012 03:42:00 PM 0 comments

Microsoft is giving away free microsoft points in April!
To get 300 free microsoft points, you have to complete 1 challenge out of each of the following categories in April:

Game On :
- Play a Kinect game for 2 hours
- Play online on Xbox Live for 10 hours
- Spend at least 800 MS points on Arcade games or DLC.

Be Entertained :

- Spend at least 400 MS points on Movies or Series.
- Use one of the following apps for 10 hours :BBC iPlayer, blinkbox, crackle, Last FM, LOVEFiLM, MUZU, Netflix, Sky, VEVO or Zune.

Be Social :
- Spend at least one hour on ; Youtube, Facebook or Video Kinect

by [IF]pexer


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