Well as it seems that Adam Sessler is leaving G4 television with out a reason. No one knows why,how, or any of that. But I bet that they will disclose it in about 1-2 months and if not well shit ya know lol.
Adam Sessler leaves G4
Here's some promising yet interesting news. Apparently the strategist of infinity ward quit and created a indie studio that they are hinting towards making a MMORPG. They also give the reasons why he left as well.
Infinity ward's strategist leaves.
Joy oh joy tv commercials are coming to the xbox 360. All I can say is what the fuck,why the fuck,who do I have to shoot first, and is this going to make the shitty pay to play model go by the way side.
Coming soon to a Xbox 360 near you.....
Oh hell guess what guys and gals ITS RUMOR TIME!!!!
From what it seems that the korean MMO giant Nexon is aiming to buy studios, and from what I understand is that they are aiming at the big boys first. Hmm I wonder if they bought EA would they get rid of EA Sports. Hell it would be a MAJOR improvement lol.
Nexon wants to buy out industry's big boys.
Well thats all for now Ill try and give more of a variety next time around..... Short night lol.
have fun

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