Back again for another dose of gaming news? Well here you go!
Nintendo is now developing New Super Mario Bros. 2... for the 3DS. I do not approve of this in many ways, but let's keep this news going now shall we? Even though I AM looking forward to seeing how they'll turn a 2D platform game in 3D.
Sony has announced Uncharted 3: Game of the Year edition for the PS3! This version will have some extra features to it:
Classic Skins Pack 1-3: 25 multiplayer skins, including Nathan Drake's looks from Uncharted 1 and 2
Multiplayer Accessory Pack: Includes Killzone 3 skins and accessories
Flashback Maps 1 and 2: Eight remade maps from Uncharted 1 and 2
Drake's Deception Map Pack: Four new multiplayer maps: The Graveyeard, Old Quarter, London Streets and Oasis
The Fort Co-Op: Takes place in the fortress from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Co-Op Shade Survival: Fight against the Djinn (fire enemies from Uncharted 3's final chapters)
Doughnut Skin Pack: Five "fat" skins
Rogues Skin Pack 1 and 2: Skins of 14 enemies
You guys better get ready, because Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will be revealed pretty soon! On the first of may, we will finally be able to play it.
Well we've talked about the sequel of Black Ops, the sequel of New Super Mario Bros... now let's talk Rayman! During a marketing survey, somebody spotted some screenshots of the Rayman Origins 2, and here they are!
Crysis is also back with another follow-up! Crysis 3 will be coming to the PC, and it will be launched with DirectX 11 support! Here's the Announcement Gameplay trailer.
Well, after all this sequel and threequel stuff, it's about time to wrap up this Wednesday news! Happy gaming!
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