Internal Friction

The Spice Must Flow.

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[REVIEW] Assassin's Creed: Revelations [PC, PS3, X360]

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/03/2012 12:00:00 PM 0 comments


Ezio's story finally comes to a close in Assassin's Creed: Revelations. The battle between Assassins and Templars continues in Constantinople, where Ezio goes to find a weapon that should end the Templar- Assassin war for good. Aided by the local fellow Assassins and some of their connections, Ezio goes to find the keys that can open a gate in Masyaf. A gate behind which lies the rumored weapon desired by the Assassins... and the Templars.


Although the details on the characters may seem only "nice", or maybe even basic, this game has
AMAZING detail in the sky and weather graphics. Also, like in Brotherhood, the fluid water movements
Ezio using a zipline with the use of the new 'hook blade'
and details are really to be shown off with.


Listen closely. What do you hear? If this game was about you, you would hear the exact same things in-
game. Yes, even the birds singing, footsteps and people talking. This game doesn't only make important
things audible, but also the smallest details that give the gaming experience a little extra. The voice
acting in this game is also exactly how you would imagine it to be. Italian accents, Turkish accents, anger, happiness, it's all there and you hear it.


I had a lot of fun playing Revelations. But also playing the previous games in the AC franchise. Why is Revelations so different? It gives us more. More weapons like the Hookblade and the craftable bombs, more terrain like ziplines and parachutes and, maybe most importantly, more ways of killing. Counters, streaks and combos are so epic, you'll even wonder if Ezio has aged at all. All these on top of the basic fluid running, open terrain and weapons from Brotherhood make an awesome playing experience.
Ezio sneaking up to his unknowing prey


Amazing game, can keep you going for days and weeks. Even after the story is finished, you want to
and can actually go on living in the world of an Assassin. Definitely to be recommended for any kind of


+ More weapons

+ Excellent voice acting

+ Graphically developed details

+ Multiplayer

+ Free running in open terrain


- Confusing ending

- Fighting = Button mashing



review by [IF]spificator


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