Internal Friction

The Spice Must Flow.

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[REVIEW] Kingdoms of Amalur : Reckoning [X360, Ps3, PC]

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/03/2012 05:57:00 AM 0 comments

You wake up on a pile of corpses, without any idea who you are or where you are.
after you leave you will come across a 'fateweaver', these people can read your fate.
As reads your fate, he claims that you don't have one.
and so you are 'The Fateless One'
And the adventure begins

The graphics look pretty sharp, although we have seen better, for example in Skyrim.
They are very colorful, which is something you don't very often see in a 'serious' RPG.
But you'll often be stunned by the beautiful locations you stumble across.

The sound in this game seems very nicely done, the only complaint is the lip-synching, which is just painfully bad.

This is the star of the show.
The gameplay borrowed some elements from God of War ; the hack 'n' slash combat for one.
Since this is an RPG, you level-up frequently, and after each gained level, you can assign skill points.
Stealth has never been this fun
But unlike many other RPG games, you don't have a certain 'class', so you aren't bound to being a warrior, a mage or a hunter.
You can experiment with the 3 classes as much as you want, and create new subclasses, like the Paladin; which is a mix between Might and Sorcery.
Oh, and did i mention you can have your own, upgradable houses?
Yes, it's as awesome as you'd expect.

This Action-RPG by 'Big Huge Games' has left me amazed for some time.
But this is a game that you either hate or love, there is almost no 'in-between' here.
Definitely an excelent break from skyrim

+ Fun Gameplay
+ Good Graphics
+ alot of things to do
+ massive world
+ experimenting in the class system

- Story isn't too good
- Lip-Synching is just too painful to watch



review by [IF]pexer


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