Internal Friction

The Spice Must Flow.

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[NEWS] Quick Update!

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/19/2012 12:33:00 PM 0 comments

Welcome to the Wednesday Gaming News on Thursday! Aside from the fact that I started playing Pokémon Blue again yesterday, there's also some pretty interesting things going on in Game World... Let's take a look at the most important stuff.

Remember Prey? The sci-fi FPS that looks a lot like Dead Space? Well, a sequel to this game has been under development for a long time, and now it seems it'll be like that for even longer. Although it is still being worked on, it has been delayed.

Ever considered buying one of these super thin Ultrabook PC's, but haven't decided because you worry how it would handle games? Gamespy put it to the test 

Also, some news a lot of you are going to be happy about! Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has been confirmed! Take a look at this poster posted on IGN!

EDIT (April 21): More photographic evidence! The "poster" is a promotional box!

Also also, God of War IV might be released today! At least, this link tells us so...

But now... all news has sad news. We were proud to have a game like Skyrim... Realistic... Adventurous... Action-packed... But now... Oh god, I'm afraid to say it... My Little Pony has invaded Skyrim. Take a look at this video by Gamerboy385... if you dare.

And  now to finally wrap this up, we know that Dead Space 3 will be released some time soon, that the 007 series will get a new game called "Legends" and that the character playing Hitler has been removed from CoD: Elite. But who wants to read about the details? Let's bring the hot IGN-girl out! 


by [IF]Spificator


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