Internal Friction

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Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City [REVIEW]

Posted by Internal Friction On 6/06/2012 11:09:00 AM 1 comments

Resident Evil:Operation Racoon City
For: PC,PS3,Xbox 360
Played on : PS3
Date: 5/15/2012

Game Play:
unlike its predecessors this game is a third person shooter, think army of two based in the resident evil storyline/universe. The primary concept does not revolve around the traditional resident evil horror survivor, but it does have almost all of the original enemies that you seen in resident evil 2&3. the only let downs was the AI system on both the enemy and single player, the Enemy AI is rudimentary due to no difficulty settings also the game is allowed cheap shots meaning getting cornered is a bad thing. The single player AI doesnt help due to the fact there are no squad controls, also the healer and scientist will only heal you 30% of the time. The controls needed to be smoothed out a little for more responsive actions.

This game also has a rpg style system as well. This is mainly used to help you obtain weapons, passive abilities,and aggressive abilities. How you earn these items and abilities are through the use of XP as currency. You can also gain extra xp and a achievement by shooting the umbrella cameras and by collecting data,also by killing zombies and enemies. You can choose from 6 characters, each one has a different use and or ability. The squad consists of 4 characters all which you choose in single player mode,or other players will choose on there own in multiplayer.

Sound and Graphics:
As a game that was based primarily on the console, I wouldn't count on the pc versions being any better looking or sounding any better. The graphics in general are up to par with the rest of the current Resident Evil series, sound included.

The story begins in Racoon City. You play as a elite U.S.S (umbrella security service) squad made up of many member from around the globe called “wolf pack”. One a routine mission to retrieve the “G” virus, and return to the most capable hands of the Umbrella Corporation. But as all stories go the missions goes to shit and you end up doing more than your missions stated. And from there you tromp your way through human,zombie,mutant,and super beings. Trying to get out of the famed Racoon City.

This game isn't for most but if you give it a chance it will surprise you. The multiplayer is were its at, there’s a whole lot more to do,items,abilities,and weapons to gain. You will spend a good amount trying to level your character to max while gaining there maximum abilities and weapons upgrades.

  • rpg style 3rd person shooter
  • interesting abilities and weapons
  • multiplayer is a must
  • Horrible AI
  • Cheap player kills
  • Short Story Overall

Reviewed By: [IF]omegafate

G4TV E3 2012:Ubisoft Press Conference

Posted by Internal Friction On 6/05/2012 06:15:00 PM 0 comments

Posted By: omegafate

G4TV E3 2012:Konami Press Conference

Posted by Internal Friction On 6/05/2012 06:14:00 PM 0 comments

Posted By: omegafate

G4TV E3 2012:Nintendo Press Conference

Posted by Internal Friction On 6/05/2012 06:13:00 PM 0 comments

Posted By: omegafate

G4TV E3 2012: Sony Press Conference

Posted by Internal Friction On 6/05/2012 06:11:00 PM 0 comments

Posted By: omegafate

G4TV E3 2012:Microsoft Press Conference

Posted by Internal Friction On 6/05/2012 06:10:00 PM 0 comments

Posted By: omegafate

G4TV E3 2012 :EA Press Conference

Posted by Internal Friction On 6/05/2012 06:07:00 PM 0 comments

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Posted By: omegafate

[REVIEW] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)

Posted by Internal Friction On 5/27/2012 07:18:00 AM 3 comments

Our adventure begins in Skyloft. Skyloft is a big island in the sky, surrounded by many other small islands. Beneath it are clouds. Rumors are that beneath these clouds is a place called "The Surface". But right now, we follow a young boy called Link. Link lives in Skyloft and is training to become a knight. Skyloft is full of interesting and less interesting people, but there is one in particular that has caught Link's eye... Zelda.

She is the daughter of the mayor of Skyloft, and also the one who will be rewarding the winner of a flying competition with a self-made magical piece of cloth. The contestants in this match must fly on their huge-ass birds called Loftwings, and be the first to catch a statue attached to a free-roaming Loftwing. Link wins this competition, and eventually gets to fly around Skyloft with Zelda.
It's a romantic moment, and nothing can destroy it...

Oh never mind, I guess the huge black monster with the billion teeth can. Yes, he creates a big black tornado just when Zelda is about to say that she loves Link. What a cock-blocker. Anyway, he sucks up Zelda like a big vacuum cleaner of doom and Link falls unconscious. He wakes up back in Skyloft, where he decides to go and find Zelda... in The Surface.

Now we all know the Wii isn't the best console if you want to see some good graphics. All Wii games have either horrible or just bad graphics. But this game changed that. Even though the graphics on this game might look a little childish and too colorful, they are by far the best we have ever seen on the Wii and it even tops the graphics of some other games on more advanced consoles.

Let's start off with the in-game sound. Nintendo has added some cool sound effects to sword-slashing. Not only do you hear the steel slicing up the air, but now you also hear a small orchestra doing a crescendo when you are fighting. After a while, this becomes natural, but the first couple of slashes are really something else.
Now for the soundtrack. The Skyward Sword theme, or the Ballad of the Goddess, is one of the best game soundtracks I have ever heard. It's completely orchestrated and most of the Zelda fans also know that it's the original Zelda theme played backwards. I don't know how they came up with this, but it sure is awesome.
But still, there is a bad side to this aspect of the game. Nintendo still hasn't introduced voice acting in the Zelda series. Apart from a few grumps and mumbles, you never actually hear the characters saying anything. It would be a lot more fun if you could hear what the characters sound like.

Now this is the part that explains exactly why this game is much better than the other Zelda games, and also a lot more fun to play than some popular new games. First of all, you gain a lot of items throughout the game. And unlike the other Zelda games, you are always using every single item that you have.
The bosses are also a lot more challenging. This time, it's not just avoiding its attacks until you find the weak spot, and then starting to slash it like  mad little elf. No, this time the bosses are challenging from begin to end. Even when you've found their weak spot, it'll be a bitch reaching it.

The most important thing in this whole game is the fact that it uses the Wii MotionPlus. The sword follows your WiiMote's movements so precisely that you really feel like you're in total control of it. With this new technology also comes new fighting techniques. As I said, you don't just wildly slash at enemies anymore, you prepare and coordinate. Even the Bokoblins that used to be so weak and easy now form a pretty good challenge. They analyze your movements, they defend when needed and attack when you let your guard down for a second.

An awesome game. I had an amazing amount of fun playing it, and even though I've finished the storyline twice now, I still play to try and collect every damn thing in the game. People might be hating this game because it looks childish and because it's a Wii game, but I promise you this: play it with an open mind, and this game will blow your socks off.


- Amazing Wii MotionPlus technology

- Challenging

- Great music

- A lot do to, even after finishing storyline

- Extraordinary graphics


- No voice acting

- Same story as other Zelda games



Gaming Conundrum – Resident evil operation racoon city

Posted by Internal Friction On 5/11/2012 02:31:00 AM 0 comments

Instead of writing a review of this game. I thought it would be best to write about the reviews on this game and how unfair it was to blast the bullshit out on this game. So I will set shit straight on the reviewer bullshit reviews.

Here are the facts about racoon city. First off THIS GAME IS NOT A HORROR SURVIVAL GAME PERIOD. Second This game is not based on the third person survival horror spectrum that is traditionally up held by its previous titles. Instead it is designed from top to bottom as a online/offline third person shooter with some rpg style elements added in. the story is based on the events of resident evil 2 & 3, you play as the U.S.S (umbrella security service) group named wolf-pack. You can choose from 6 characters, which each one has 2 passive abilities and 3 active abilities.

Most of the reviews of this game consisted of nostalgia based gaming in hopes of reclaiming the lost traditions of resident evil. Let me tell you first hand that this game is a far departure from the resident evil everyone knows of, this game is a behind the scenes game and it kind of explains some of the random events in resident evil 2 & 3. Not that nostalgia is bad for this, its just that it was incredibly misplaced and misused. The game it self as said is a third person shooter with rpg elements, think of this as army of two or gears of war but in the year 1998 ,set in the resident evil universe,and centered in racoon city.

Now this game does have its faults and especially with its companion AI which completely ignores you,or fails to heal you,which leads up to many deaths if not getting stuck on a level in general. Majority of the game could use some reworking like the companion AI and the limitations of the enemy AI. The enemy AI is allowed cheap shots which in turn allows the game to easily corner you, and pound you to death. The limitations on ammo carried is quite a burden, personally I think if they ratio it well enough they could easily work on a a equivalent of carried ammo with the health increase and amount of enemies. In other words a offset of certain things would be nice while keeping the game the way it is.

I personally think that the majority of the reviewers need to go back and re assess this game with out the nostalgia and expectancies of it being a horror game. It is a completely unfair review that they have gave this game. They need to keep there heads out of there asses and rethink what they have done to the possible future of this spin off franchise.


[REVIEW] Infamous 2 (PS3)

Posted by Internal Friction On 5/11/2012 12:31:00 AM 0 comments


You are Cole Macgrath, some sort of never-ending human battery. After beating Kessler (in the first game),
you get a call from agent Kuo, who needs you to gather more power to defeat a new monster,
the beast. Pretty simple, isn’t it?


In my opinion, this game’s visuals are stunning. Cole looks great, both good and bad karma
visuals are amazing, and all other characters look amazing too. I just think that the enemies all
look the same, they could at least put some more effort in that.


In a game like Infamous 2, sound is very important. I am very delighted to say that everything
on Infamous sounds like it should! Explosions, shockwaves, everything, is just very good!


For the exception of one or two games, (like  
Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman Arkham
City) games related to super heroes aren’t that
good at all. But in this case, this game is very
good! There are a ton of different missions,
powers to unlock and shards to find. And, after
you beat, unlock and collect all of those, you
can create your own missions, and play the
others with the ECU creator! It is very easy to
find, and it is an awesome way to expand

Unfortunately, the game can get boring at times, and some side-missions aren’t fun at all.


A good friend of mine borrowed me Infamous 2. I've got to admit, I didn’t knew what to expect
of this game, so I've got to admit that this game is really amazing, and, even though I don’t
like the endings, I think they are very well done.

After beating this game 2 times, my advice is: Go pick this game up, you won’t regret it!


+ Good and Simple story;

+Nice graphics;

+Amazing sound;

+Good variety of gameplay;

+Good endings;


- Boring at times;

- Enemies all look the same;


Hope you enjoyed this review

Reviewed by [IF]brofist

The Opinion - To much power for the reviewer/critic

Posted by Internal Friction On 5/10/2012 11:07:00 PM 0 comments

Another day another idiot.

Sometimes I even wonder what is it about game reviews or hell review/critic. That drives a person to the extent of beliving that a certain critic/reviewer's word is gospel, that they can do no wrong. Its something that I hope we can answer, but the bigger problems are when the larger “conglomerate” reviewer/critic has sway over many facets. Not only does this reviewer/critic have sway but he/she ruins what ever they deem good or bad.

For example in the movie industry a movie like transformers,hugo,avatar (james cameron) and so on did very well in the box office, so much in fact transformers became a trilogy,hugo sold better in dvd/bluray, and avatar toppled over titanic and is going to spawn 1-3 more movies. But yet we have a critic/reviewer who has a lot of power and say so, that he/she literally gives the movie or movies a really ugly beating from the people who watch it to the smaller reviewers/critics. But yet give a movie like war horse and triple A rating, yes seriously.....

This even goes on in the gaming industry to were games like bayonetta would crush a game like resident evil operation racoon city. This didnt help that all the heavy hitters reported the same scores, and which followed the rest of the crowd. Unfortunately the gaming community seems to have there heads so far up there asses that they cant or wont even play a game based on its review score.which is unfortunate becouse most of them wont play a game with out a fucking perfect gaming score, WHICH IS VERY FUCKING PATHETIC. Ill repeat it again VERY FUCKING PATHETIC....

hell even most people in the industry are saying the same along with the gamers and reviewer/critics,esspecially jim sterling from the “jimquisition”. In his video “hate out of ten” explains this in vivd yet colorful detail. I think we need to change the way we view reviews, reform the architecture and basically get rid of the numeric scoring system a rely on our own judgement. But hay what do I know right??? after all I am a lwer life form reviewer/critic.

Here is the jimquisition episode “Hate out of ten”.


Wednesday News (on Thursday)! (05-10-2012)

Posted by Internal Friction On 5/10/2012 05:25:00 AM 0 comments

Welcome to another Wednesday News! Yes, I still call it that, even though it's posted on a Thursday. Deal with it. Anyway, let's go!

First of all, have you ever wondered what Minecraft is like on the Xbox 360? Well, you have an answer! IGN has reviewed the 360 version of the indie game, and you can read it by clicking this link.

We all know Bethesda Game Studios made a great game, The Elder Scrolls V. But now, there are plans of making it an MMO. Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V Online is coming out some time in 2013, and you can watch its teaser trailer here.

There are some details about the MMO available online, and IGN has shown great work once again by typing them all out. Click here to read!

If you want to buy a game for the PlayStation 3,Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is recommended. Don't have a PlayStation 3 yet because you can't afford the console AND the game? That problem is to be resolved soon! Sony announced that they will be revealing a bundle, consisting of a 320GB PlayStation 3, a controller and a copy of CoD MW3 for 299 dollars!

Vampire slaying is something Van Helsing is known for best.  We've seen movies, books and games of the man. Another game about him will be coming out soon! It has been revealed that the game will have its release in late 2012 and will be titled: The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. It's a fictional story with some MMORPG elements to it. By that I mean huge-ass swords for tiny weird people. Example? ACTIVATE IMAGE PRESENTIFICATOR!

And now to finish this report, I'll tell you that Dead Space 3 has officially been announced! Electronic Arts plans to make Dead Space into a threequel in March 2013. They will make several big announcements about the game at E3 in June. Wish I could go. Poor Isaac. Will his suffering ever end? ... Actually, do we care about him? Nah, we just wanna see his ass get beat up in some bloody, creative ways by big ugly demons, don't we?

Well that's all for this weeks Wednesday News! I thank you for coming to our page, please recommend it to your friends! See you all next week for some more news!


Assassin's Creed 3 Gameplay Trailer!

Posted by Internal Friction On 5/07/2012 01:06:00 PM 0 comments

Short message here, just saying the official Gameplay Trailer for Assassin's Creed 3 is out!
Dat bow!
Dat tomahawk!
Click here for the video!

Wednesday News (05-02-2012)

Posted by Internal Friction On 5/02/2012 09:00:00 AM 0 comments

The Wii U has upgraded! Now it has evolved from a "stupid pointless console" to a "stupid pointless EXPENSIVE console". Guess how much it's going to cost? We don't have an exact number yet, but it will be at least 300 dollars. That's right. That's about as much as a 250GB Xbox360, and just 50 dollars more than a 160GB PlayStation 3. I know what console I'd buy with that money...

The Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 reveal trailer has been... revealed. Click here to watch it! The story might be just a little bit cliché, but I'm sure there will be a nice CoD-ish style brought to it... right?

God of War: Ascension, we got the details!
When? 2013, that's all we know.
Single Player? Sony only said that it exists and that Kratos will be in it.
Multiplayer? No Kratos, but plenty of other customizable characters. Fighters plead allegiance to one of four gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades & Ares) and receive weaknesses, powers and bonuses in return. Armor  and weapons can be customized, equipped and upgraded. Also an experience and leveling system.
Number of maps? Around 7 (5 large, 2 small)

The Elder Scrolls V is, like many games, also getting some downloadable content! It will be called Dawnguard, and it will be released around this summer. The PC content will be released 30 days after the 360 content. More details will be revelead at E3 2012 in June.

Ghost Recon Online. An awesome shooter. It's now free, however still in closed beta. If you want to read more, click here to see Gamespy's view on the game. 

That's all for today's Wednesday News, hope to see you next week for some more action! At least, I hope there will even be action to report.


More and More and More NEWS!!!!!!

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/26/2012 10:00:00 PM 0 comments

Well as it seems that Adam Sessler is leaving G4 television with out a reason. No one knows why,how, or any of that. But I bet that they will disclose it in about 1-2 months and if not well shit ya know lol.
Adam Sessler leaves G4

Here's some promising yet interesting news. Apparently the strategist of infinity ward quit and created a indie  studio that they are hinting towards making a MMORPG. They also give the reasons why he left as well.
Infinity ward's strategist leaves.

Joy oh joy tv commercials are coming to the xbox 360. All I can say is what the fuck,why the fuck,who do I have to shoot first, and is this going to make the shitty pay to play model go by the way side.
Coming soon to a Xbox 360 near you.....

Oh hell guess what guys and gals ITS RUMOR TIME!!!!
From what it seems that the korean MMO giant Nexon is aiming to buy studios, and from what I understand is that they are aiming at the big boys first. Hmm I wonder if they bought EA would they get rid of EA Sports. Hell it would be a MAJOR improvement lol.
Nexon wants to buy out industry's big boys. 

Well thats all for now Ill try and give more of a variety next time around..... Short night lol.
have fun

Wednesday News! (04-25-2012)

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/25/2012 05:16:00 AM 0 comments

Back again for another dose of gaming news? Well here you go! 

Nintendo is now developing New Super Mario Bros. 2... for the 3DS. I do not approve of this in many ways, but let's keep this news going now shall we? Even though I AM looking forward to seeing how they'll turn a 2D platform game in 3D.

Sony has announced Uncharted 3: Game of the Year edition for the PS3! This version will have some extra features to it:


Classic Skins Pack 1-3: 25 multiplayer skins, including Nathan Drake's looks from Uncharted 1 and 2
Multiplayer Accessory Pack: Includes Killzone 3 skins and accessories
Flashback Maps 1 and 2: Eight remade maps from Uncharted 1 and 2
Drake's Deception Map Pack: Four new multiplayer maps: The Graveyeard, Old Quarter, London Streets and Oasis
The Fort Co-Op: Takes place in the fortress from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Co-Op Shade Survival: Fight against the Djinn (fire enemies from Uncharted 3's final chapters)
Doughnut Skin Pack: Five "fat" skins
Rogues Skin Pack 1 and 2: Skins of 14 enemies

You guys better get ready, because Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will be revealed pretty soon! On the first of may, we will finally be able to play it.

Well we've talked about the sequel of Black Ops, the sequel of New Super Mario Bros... now let's talk Rayman! During a marketing survey, somebody spotted some screenshots of the Rayman Origins 2, and here they are!


Crysis is also back with another follow-up! Crysis 3 will be coming to the PC, and it will be launched with DirectX 11 support! Here's the Announcement Gameplay trailer.

Well, after all this sequel and threequel stuff, it's about time to wrap up this Wednesday news! Happy gaming!


The Opinion : The Gaming Industry's Clusterfuck.

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/24/2012 03:25:00 PM 0 comments

To many cluster-fucks so little time....

You know... i've been playing video games for a while now, hell i'm 28 yrs old born in 1983 and ive seen a lot of good ideas and bad ideas from the gaming industry. it has got me bugged that the industry it self has gotten in to a rut, to were it only makes 1 type or style of game. for example any of the EA sports games,Most of the first person shooters such as CoD, and the major the MMO. now im not saying these types are bad or rather the games are bad them selves, but when a industry cant come out of a circle because THEY ARE AFRAID OF LOOSING THERE FANS. so here are a few things to think about.

it is bad for a industry of art to keep the same thing going on and on. now on the other hand as in EA Sports games they purposely milk it each year with a fucking retarded reason to bring out a new copy of what was made a year before. for example the past few years they put up a gestalt saying that they make the resolution better,made the game play smoother, then they added the statistics,and the final add-on a physics engine. each year during E3 they repeat the same format then show the game as a hook, kinda sad really.

now in the case for games like the MMO and CoD, i wont say i DONT like them im just going to say that the recent incarnations have missed the point of playing games as a whole. when you go online or play local with a friends or acquaints, you shouldn't have to be bogged down by petty competition. but on the other than a small amount of competition is good to keep the game going for everyone to have fun. here is another problematic issue at hand as well, LoL or rather League of Legends which initially at first was fun, key word "fun". they take the premise of playing a RTT (real time tactical) with RPG elements,but as of recent people have gotten worse and worse of the past year and the fun loving game turns in to a miasma of competition. this also extends to the recent CoD as well.

Now going back to the beginning of the industry's issue we have companies who are remaking game in a different image or they are making another game, such as god of war 4 and devil may cry. i didnt mind god of war its puzzles were irritating and complex to the point you keep coming back but didnt they just end the story of  kratos in the third game??? as for devil may cry why did capcom give over the rights to a company who makes lack luster prince of persia/god of war knock offs ??? its kind of irritating that companies like capcom and santa monica basically are in a creation rut.and dont forget the huge mega man issue of development from capcom.

i applauded companies for trying new innovations such as Catherine,Mindjack,Bayonetta, and Last Rebellion. they each have there own merits,and have a beta type game play system that isnt like any thing seen. unfortunately 2 of these games had a bad review, because IT ISNT LIKE EVERY THING ELSE. which in my mind  a game should be different than any or all AAA titles and should be giving a chance to show its unique game play system. i like all games some types more than others,i just think gamer's need to get rid of the spiked dildo up there ass and cut this ego drivin bullshit and give the games that were giving a bad review,made by a lesser known first or third party companies.

gaming companies need to start creating newer games regardless of what fans like becouse if they dont  the industry will have failed so much just like the movie industry, music industry, and TV industry. id rather see it grow than to put or shove shit down our (as in us gamers) throats. enough said,,,,,


[NEWS] Quick Update!

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/19/2012 12:33:00 PM 0 comments

Welcome to the Wednesday Gaming News on Thursday! Aside from the fact that I started playing Pokémon Blue again yesterday, there's also some pretty interesting things going on in Game World... Let's take a look at the most important stuff.

Remember Prey? The sci-fi FPS that looks a lot like Dead Space? Well, a sequel to this game has been under development for a long time, and now it seems it'll be like that for even longer. Although it is still being worked on, it has been delayed.

Ever considered buying one of these super thin Ultrabook PC's, but haven't decided because you worry how it would handle games? Gamespy put it to the test 

Also, some news a lot of you are going to be happy about! Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has been confirmed! Take a look at this poster posted on IGN!

EDIT (April 21): More photographic evidence! The "poster" is a promotional box!

Also also, God of War IV might be released today! At least, this link tells us so...

But now... all news has sad news. We were proud to have a game like Skyrim... Realistic... Adventurous... Action-packed... But now... Oh god, I'm afraid to say it... My Little Pony has invaded Skyrim. Take a look at this video by Gamerboy385... if you dare.

And  now to finally wrap this up, we know that Dead Space 3 will be released some time soon, that the 007 series will get a new game called "Legends" and that the character playing Hitler has been removed from CoD: Elite. But who wants to read about the details? Let's bring the hot IGN-girl out! 


by [IF]Spificator

[REVIEW] Super Meat Boy [PC, XBOX Live, MAC, Linux]

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/19/2012 11:39:00 AM 0 comments


A classic story. And I mean classic. Like really, really classic. Meat Boy has a lover, Bandage Girl. The two of them are really happy together, until the moment when dr. Fetus shows up. What do we know about dr. Fetus? Well basically, he's just pissed because nobody loves him. But anyway... Meat Boy is pissed now too, and follows Fetus to different worlds to save his girl. Cute huh?
It's a 2D game, but that doesn't take away the fun. The cutscenes are well animated for a cartoon-style game. But if you're looking for realism, this isn't quite your game. Then again, what can you expect some pieces of running meat to look like?

The music is simply amazing. It fits perfectly what you have to do in the game. Epic orchestra pieces for the bosses are the best. I also loved the sound of Meat Boy sprinting and wall-jumping. Since he's a piece of meat flapping against the wall, it sounds like... a piece of meat flapping against the wall.
Looking for the ultimate rage quit game? Super Meat Boy calls dibs.  This game is extremely difficult and frustrating, having you die at the exact same spot all the time. But then again, it is extremely fun to play and not long after quitting, you want to play it again. To make it even more frustrating, there are collectables called bandages, and by collecting them you gain extra characters. There is also a Dark World, which is even harder than the regular one, and after finishing the game, there is the even harder Cotton Alley, where you play as Bandage Girl trying to save Meat Boy.  Great game, extremely fun to play.

[Extra’s] (optional)
Commentated gameplay of Super Meat boy will be on in a few days.

Fun to play, but very hard.  Awesome music, but the graphics could have been environmentally better. Totally worth playing.
+ Hours of fun
+ Great music
+ Lots of characters and levels
+ A great challenge
- Environment graphically undeveloped
- Extremely frustrating
- Cliché story


by [IF]spificator

[REVIEW] Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/09/2012 11:45:00 PM 0 comments

Call of Duty
Modern Warfare 3

Platform:PC,PS 3,XBOX 360,Nintendo DS
Played on: PS 3

The story takes place after Modern Warfare 2. Soap is on his death bed, and you play as Yuri a ex Makarov ultra nationalist merc. You also play as a American Delta Force operative, the characters aside the setting is that of WW3 primarily between America and Russia. There are a lot of twists and turns along the way. The end story is decent but short lived due to length of the campaign.

(Game Play)
Just as the 1st and 2nd Modern Warfare, not much has changed as afar as control scheme. The game fluidity is that of CoD: Black Ops to were you don’t have to stop and aim when sprinting, the only thing that missing was the drop to prone. The vehicular combat is fun even though all of it is all track style, what really surprised me was towards the middle of the game was the M1-A1 tank ride.


PVP: unlike its predecessor (Modern Warfare 2), a lot of the system has changed. The newest change is the introduction of the classes which does help but at the same time it helps the game to shoot itself in the foot. The classes make it easier to kill other players by giving them a job to do, majority as of now are engineers and specialists which the engineers are a over glorified summoner with a plethora of gear and weaponry, and the specialists make it very easy to kill someone to the point of the radar reveal still comes up blank. The weapons roster has change some weapons are gone like the intervention,and the vector. All in all the PVP is way unbalanced to the point of the player either has to give up or become a “elitist”,which isnt the best for a game that everyone wants to play casually.

Spec Ops: which like its predecessor has either solo or co-op mission plus more. This time around they added a survival mode and a balanced mission mode. The mission levels range from a Training camp to the co-op AC-130 cover and infiltrate. While the survival mode consists of waves upon waves of bots that attack you and your squad mates either until you reach the final wave or you end up defeated later on after several waves, whats nice about this is that you have up to 30 sec to get new weapons,gear,ammo,aerial weapons and vehicles. Either way you will have a much more fun time, whether you play on local or online.


The graphics are basically a reinvention of the same engines as modern warfare 2 and black ops. So not much has changed on that scale. The sound is the same if not better than the previous titles. But all of this could be improved if you play it on the pc due to it being a console to pc port.

Its a tough one to say, you’ll have fun playing the brief but final chapter of the Modern Warfare Trilogy, and you'll have a fun time playing together with some friends on in the Spec Ops mode. Or unless your a “hardcore,serious,blah,blah,blah” player you’ll enjoy the PVP.

(Personal Note)
the PVP is not as fun as the previous 2 games. It seems that activision and the newly staffed infinity ward has totally forgot the ease of game play of Black Ops, and the balanced action of PVP on Modern Warfare 2. I guess I kinda pisses me off that they made it to were you have to play PVP 24/7 and serious in order to get some were JUST TO HAVE FUN. In other words it take to much time and effort from the player to get something, which to me is wrong. Wait till it drops in price such as $40.

  • Fluid Game play
  • Decent Campaign with closure
  • Fun co-op which has a lot to offer

  • PVP isnt as fun,might as well get a real job and work for physical substance.
  • Graphics on the pc is the same as on the consoles due to it being a console to pc port.
  • The campaign time frame is 5hrs and 10 min which is really short compared to previous titles.



Reviewed by [IF] omegafate

Top News (links)

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/09/2012 08:39:00 PM 0 comments

[NEWS] Fable : The Journey boxart released

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/04/2012 08:14:00 AM 0 comments

Lionhead studios, developer of the Fable games, has released the boxart of the new game in the fable franchise.
The new game, called 'Fable : The Journey' will no longer be an open world RPG, but an on-rails shooter.
Your arsenal of weapons will no longer contain Firearms or Swords, but will mainly be focussed on the usage of magic.
There isn't an official release date yet, but the game will probably be released somewhere in 2012.

by [IF]pexer

[NEWS] Is Arkham City getting a new, story based DLC?

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/03/2012 04:25:00 PM 0 comments

Due to a newly added set of Playstation 3 Trophies, there seems to be a new Story based DLC comming out for last years 'Batman : Arkham City'.
The new update contains 10 new 'Harley Quinn DLC' trophies which appear to be story driven;
for one of the trophies is achieved by 'Finding a way into the secret base'.

Don't believe it?
See for yourself!

by [IF]pexer

[NEWS] The Settlers Online's Easter event delayed by a week

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/03/2012 04:13:00 PM 0 comments

People who play the popular browser game 'The Settlers Online' will have to wait another week before they can search for their virtual easter eggs.

Because alot of Bugs and other problems occured on the german server, developer Blue Byte decided to postpone the intenational event untill the next maintenance update, sadly not everything is fixed yet, so the fans of the game will have to wait an additional week..

by [IF]pexer

[NEWS] The Witcher 1 Story Recap!

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/03/2012 04:05:00 PM 0 comments

Are you also looking forward to the witcher 2 Enhanced Edition, But havent played the first one?
The creators of 'The Witcher' have come with an awesome solution to your big problem!
This animated short tells the story of the original Witcher withing 5 minutes!

by [IF]pexer

[REVIEW] Metal Gear Solid 4 [Ps3]

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/03/2012 03:56:00 PM 0 comments

[Reviewers note]
I know that this is an old game. But I still play it every day, unfortunately, the online servers were shut down a couple days ago, so I had to make this review.

You are Old Snake, a master in the art of sneaking and CQC, who is dying, and, with no more than one year still manages to protect the earth from the biggest treath in humanity, his own brother.
In my opinion, the story is very well told, and is the best possible ending to the Metal Gear saga, but, to a newcomer, it will be very hard to understand, because there are so many references to characters and important things that happened in the previous Metal Gear Solid games, that, to get the most out of this game, you'll need to play all metal gear games.

Visually, this game looks GREAT, even compared to some newer titles. Characters look real, weapons look real, buildings look like they should, dust effects feel natural, and everything looks like it should. Kojima really put a lot of effort in this game’s graphics.


Sound is another great thing in MGS4, characters sound realistic, guns sound like they should, and the soundtrack is one of the best I have ever heard, I found myself listening to “love theme” over and over again.

Let’s get things straight, MGS was always about stealth, and this is just more of the same stealth, you still got the alert phase, the carboard box, the health and stamina bars, everything. This is not a bad thing, to the people who like it, like me, but, if you want, you can play it as an action game too. That’s right, you can play the game how you want to.
Also, you can carry all kinds of weapons, from the simple stun knife, to the complex patriot, you got them all.


I played through this game 11 times now, I have all the badges, all the weapons, a ton of drebin points, all the songs, it is without a doubt the best MGS game of all time, and one of the best games of the decade. PLAY THIS!

+ Great story;
+ Good characters;
+ Great graphics;
+ Great sound;
+ Great music;
+ Mix of gameplay;

- The last Metal Gear Solid game(?)


reviewed by [IF]brofist

[NEWS] Microsoft is giving away free Microsoft points!

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/03/2012 03:42:00 PM 0 comments

Microsoft is giving away free microsoft points in April!
To get 300 free microsoft points, you have to complete 1 challenge out of each of the following categories in April:

Game On :
- Play a Kinect game for 2 hours
- Play online on Xbox Live for 10 hours
- Spend at least 800 MS points on Arcade games or DLC.

Be Entertained :

- Spend at least 400 MS points on Movies or Series.
- Use one of the following apps for 10 hours :BBC iPlayer, blinkbox, crackle, Last FM, LOVEFiLM, MUZU, Netflix, Sky, VEVO or Zune.

Be Social :
- Spend at least one hour on ; Youtube, Facebook or Video Kinect

by [IF]pexer

[NEWS] Ghost Recon : Future Soldier System Requirements [PC]

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/03/2012 03:13:00 PM 0 comments

Minimum hardware requirements:

  • Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP (with Service Pack 3)/Windows Vista (with Service Pack 2)/ Windows 7 (with Service pack 1), both 32 bit & 64 bit versions

  • Processor: Intel Pentium D 3.0 Ghz or AMD Athlon64 X2 4400+ 2.2Ghz
RAM: 1GB Windows XP / 2GB Windows Vista or Windows 7

  • Video card: 256 MB DirectX-compliant, Shader 4.0-enabled video card
  • DirectX: DirectX 9.0c

  • DVD-ROM drive: DVD-ROM speed 4x, dual-layer drive
  • Sound card: DirectX 9.0c - compliant sound card

  • HDD space: 25 GB

Recommended :

  • CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q9450/ AMD Phenom II X4 940 or higher

  • RAM: 2 GB Windows XP / 3 GB Windows Vista & 7

  • Graphics Card: 1024 MB DirectX-compliant, Shader 4.0-enabled video card based on nVidia GeForce GTX 460 or AMD/ATi HD 5850 or better

by [IF]pexer

[REVIEW] The Elder Scrolls : Skyrim [X360, Ps3, PC]

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/03/2012 02:29:00 PM 0 comments


Skyrim is the fifth game in the Elder Scroll series. Having to live up to the expectations of Morrowind and Oblivion, it wasn’t an easy task for Bethesda to come up with a whole new story. Imagine having created 7 RPG’s which have 100’s of quests, must be pretty hard to come up with 100’s of new quests! But then you don’t know Bethesda. They just keep producing these fantastic games with great atmosphere. Skyrim is their ‘medieval, fantasy type of RPG’. If you aren’t interested in that you could check out the post-apocalyptic RPG Fallout. The fact that this is more fantasy based makes me happy. It has been a while since I have played a decent medieval RPG! I looked forward to this game and it certainly has lived up to the expectations. The story is amazing, you have a few main quest lines which I’m not going to spoil but one of them involves a civil war whilst the other is about slaying dragons. The story is very versatile as you can see. There are 100’s of quests and there are a couple of guilds you can join, each with their own unique quests and rewards. Bethesda really showed here that they are the leaders in terms of developing great RPG’s. The whole concept of you being dragonborn and helping the province of Skyrim slay these dragons is just really well worked out. Kudos to Bethesda for making another great game!


This in-game screenshot shows how beautiful the world of Skyrim is
With their new engine, Bethesda shows that they can pull off amazing stuff. They manage to capture amazing graphics, realistic lightning and fun combat all in one. I was personally amazed by running around at night in a random forest just looking up to the sky. It looked phenomenal, that was until I got attacked by a sneaky pack of wolves, I proceeded to just cut their heads off in an amazing cutscene. I don’t know how they do it but except for Battlefield 3, this game has felt the most realistic for me. Also noteable is the fact that when you cast spells in a dark environment the room lights up for example. It’s the little things that do it for me.


Sounds is absolutely great, the soundtrack is one to be remembered and continues the successful trend of Morrowind and Oblivion.  When I first launched the game I didn’t start yet, I let my xbox at the starting screen just to hear that awesome theme over and over again! [link:] The combat sounds are realistic and hearing an arrow penetrate somebody's skull is just really satisfying!


One of the game's races 'Khajiit'
I personally played a sneaky archer/thief type character and it worked out for me. Having messed around with a tanky/two hander char, it wasn’t that great. Melee combat is quite clunky and just feels like button mashing. All you do is just swing your sword around. I highly recommend trying archery, it requires some skill but it is so much more satisfying. Running around is great and the less armor/items you carry the faster you can run. You have a sprint function that drains your stamina. Stamina can be recharged with numerous items such as potions or racial abilities. You have an option to fast travel around the map using your interactive 3d map or you can just hop on a carriage and travel around the different small towns. I do prefer to just explore everything on foot for the first playthrough tho! Except for fighting you can buy your own houses, get married and even own a dog! Your wife will then open a shop and she will give you the profit she makes and she will even cook you meals, such a great wife! The gameplay is very solid, just avoid 2-handers!


Skyrim must be my favourite game ever released. I really like the setting and it feels great running around the province of Skyrim. Bethesda made a masterpiece here and that is why I’m giving this game a 9.5 If only they added some more features and they should fix the combat system!

Pros :
+ Easy to get into
+ Lots of quests
+ Numerous activities
+ player housing
+ have a spouse
+ lots of companions
+ Diverse world with a wide variety of towns
+ Amazing sneak/achery system

Cons :
- Clunky melee combat for 2-handers
- killcams for archery would be cool



review by [IF]oli

[REVIEW] Assassin's Creed: Revelations [PC, PS3, X360]

Posted by Internal Friction On 4/03/2012 12:00:00 PM 0 comments


Ezio's story finally comes to a close in Assassin's Creed: Revelations. The battle between Assassins and Templars continues in Constantinople, where Ezio goes to find a weapon that should end the Templar- Assassin war for good. Aided by the local fellow Assassins and some of their connections, Ezio goes to find the keys that can open a gate in Masyaf. A gate behind which lies the rumored weapon desired by the Assassins... and the Templars.


Although the details on the characters may seem only "nice", or maybe even basic, this game has
AMAZING detail in the sky and weather graphics. Also, like in Brotherhood, the fluid water movements
Ezio using a zipline with the use of the new 'hook blade'
and details are really to be shown off with.


Listen closely. What do you hear? If this game was about you, you would hear the exact same things in-
game. Yes, even the birds singing, footsteps and people talking. This game doesn't only make important
things audible, but also the smallest details that give the gaming experience a little extra. The voice
acting in this game is also exactly how you would imagine it to be. Italian accents, Turkish accents, anger, happiness, it's all there and you hear it.


I had a lot of fun playing Revelations. But also playing the previous games in the AC franchise. Why is Revelations so different? It gives us more. More weapons like the Hookblade and the craftable bombs, more terrain like ziplines and parachutes and, maybe most importantly, more ways of killing. Counters, streaks and combos are so epic, you'll even wonder if Ezio has aged at all. All these on top of the basic fluid running, open terrain and weapons from Brotherhood make an awesome playing experience.
Ezio sneaking up to his unknowing prey


Amazing game, can keep you going for days and weeks. Even after the story is finished, you want to
and can actually go on living in the world of an Assassin. Definitely to be recommended for any kind of


+ More weapons

+ Excellent voice acting

+ Graphically developed details

+ Multiplayer

+ Free running in open terrain


- Confusing ending

- Fighting = Button mashing



review by [IF]spificator