- rpg style 3rd person shooter
- interesting abilities and weapons
- multiplayer is a must
- Horrible AI
- Cheap player kills
- Short Story Overall
me="movie" value="http://www.g4tv.com/lv3/58825" />
Posted By: omegafate
Welcome to another Wednesday News! Yes, I still call it that, even though it's posted on a Thursday. Deal with it. Anyway, let's go!
First of all, have you ever wondered what Minecraft is like on the Xbox 360? Well, you have an answer! IGN has reviewed the 360 version of the indie game, and you can read it by clicking this link.
We all know Bethesda Game Studios made a great game, The Elder Scrolls V. But now, there are plans of making it an MMO. Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V Online is coming out some time in 2013, and you can watch its teaser trailer here.
Short message here, just saying the official Gameplay Trailer for Assassin's Creed 3 is out!
Dat bow!
Dat tomahawk!
Click here for the video!
The Wii U has upgraded! Now it has evolved from a "stupid pointless console" to a "stupid pointless EXPENSIVE console". Guess how much it's going to cost? We don't have an exact number yet, but it will be at least 300 dollars. That's right. That's about as much as a 250GB Xbox360, and just 50 dollars more than a 160GB PlayStation 3. I know what console I'd buy with that money...
Well as it seems that Adam Sessler is leaving G4 television with out a reason. No one knows why,how, or any of that. But I bet that they will disclose it in about 1-2 months and if not well shit ya know lol.
Adam Sessler leaves G4
Here's some promising yet interesting news. Apparently the strategist of infinity ward quit and created a indie studio that they are hinting towards making a MMORPG. They also give the reasons why he left as well.
Infinity ward's strategist leaves.
Joy oh joy tv commercials are coming to the xbox 360. All I can say is what the fuck,why the fuck,who do I have to shoot first, and is this going to make the shitty pay to play model go by the way side.
Coming soon to a Xbox 360 near you.....
Oh hell guess what guys and gals ITS RUMOR TIME!!!!
From what it seems that the korean MMO giant Nexon is aiming to buy studios, and from what I understand is that they are aiming at the big boys first. Hmm I wonder if they bought EA would they get rid of EA Sports. Hell it would be a MAJOR improvement lol.
Nexon wants to buy out industry's big boys.
Well thats all for now Ill try and give more of a variety next time around..... Short night lol.
have fun
Back again for another dose of gaming news? Well here you go!
Nintendo is now developing New Super Mario Bros. 2... for the 3DS. I do not approve of this in many ways, but let's keep this news going now shall we? Even though I AM looking forward to seeing how they'll turn a 2D platform game in 3D.
Sony has announced Uncharted 3: Game of the Year edition for the PS3! This version will have some extra features to it:
To many cluster-fucks so little time....
You know... i've been playing video games for a while now, hell i'm 28 yrs old born in 1983 and ive seen a lot of good ideas and bad ideas from the gaming industry. it has got me bugged that the industry it self has gotten in to a rut, to were it only makes 1 type or style of game. for example any of the EA sports games,Most of the first person shooters such as CoD, and the major the MMO. now im not saying these types are bad or rather the games are bad them selves, but when a industry cant come out of a circle because THEY ARE AFRAID OF LOOSING THERE FANS. so here are a few things to think about.
it is bad for a industry of art to keep the same thing going on and on. now on the other hand as in EA Sports games they purposely milk it each year with a fucking retarded reason to bring out a new copy of what was made a year before. for example the past few years they put up a gestalt saying that they make the resolution better,made the game play smoother, then they added the statistics,and the final add-on a physics engine. each year during E3 they repeat the same format then show the game as a hook, kinda sad really.
now in the case for games like the MMO and CoD, i wont say i DONT like them im just going to say that the recent incarnations have missed the point of playing games as a whole. when you go online or play local with a friends or acquaints, you shouldn't have to be bogged down by petty competition. but on the other than a small amount of competition is good to keep the game going for everyone to have fun. here is another problematic issue at hand as well, LoL or rather League of Legends which initially at first was fun, key word "fun". they take the premise of playing a RTT (real time tactical) with RPG elements,but as of recent people have gotten worse and worse of the past year and the fun loving game turns in to a miasma of competition. this also extends to the recent CoD as well.
Now going back to the beginning of the industry's issue we have companies who are remaking game in a different image or they are making another game, such as god of war 4 and devil may cry. i didnt mind god of war its puzzles were irritating and complex to the point you keep coming back but didnt they just end the story of kratos in the third game??? as for devil may cry why did capcom give over the rights to a company who makes lack luster prince of persia/god of war knock offs ??? its kind of irritating that companies like capcom and santa monica basically are in a creation rut.and dont forget the huge mega man issue of development from capcom.
i applauded companies for trying new innovations such as Catherine,Mindjack,Bayonetta, and Last Rebellion. they each have there own merits,and have a beta type game play system that isnt like any thing seen. unfortunately 2 of these games had a bad review, because IT ISNT LIKE EVERY THING ELSE. which in my mind a game should be different than any or all AAA titles and should be giving a chance to show its unique game play system. i like all games some types more than others,i just think gamer's need to get rid of the spiked dildo up there ass and cut this ego drivin bullshit and give the games that were giving a bad review,made by a lesser known first or third party companies.
gaming companies need to start creating newer games regardless of what fans like becouse if they dont the industry will have failed so much just like the movie industry, music industry, and TV industry. id rather see it grow than to put or shove shit down our (as in us gamers) throats. enough said,,,,,
Welcome to the Wednesday Gaming News on Thursday! Aside from the fact that I started playing Pokémon Blue again yesterday, there's also some pretty interesting things going on in Game World... Let's take a look at the most important stuff.
Remember Prey? The sci-fi FPS that looks a lot like Dead Space? Well, a sequel to this game has been under development for a long time, and now it seems it'll be like that for even longer. Although it is still being worked on, it has been delayed.
Due to a newly added set of Playstation 3 Trophies, there seems to be a new Story based DLC comming out for last years 'Batman : Arkham City'.
The new update contains 10 new 'Harley Quinn DLC' trophies which appear to be story driven;
for one of the trophies is achieved by 'Finding a way into the secret base'.
People who play the popular browser game 'The Settlers Online' will have to wait another week before they can search for their virtual easter eggs.
Are you also looking forward to the witcher 2 Enhanced Edition, But havent played the first one?
The creators of 'The Witcher' have come with an awesome solution to your big problem!
This animated short tells the story of the original Witcher withing 5 minutes!
This in-game screenshot shows how beautiful the world of Skyrim is |
One of the game's races 'Khajiit' |
Ezio using a zipline with the use of the new 'hook blade' |
Ezio sneaking up to his unknowing prey |